Spaces of Desire
Mixed technique collage: acrylic and thread on newspaper and plastic mesh. Series of 30 works. 30x30cm
Space is ever present - a gesture indicating its possibility is enough: a forty five degree angle, simple geometrical shape, square or circular window or door, maybe corridor. A wall, a floor, a ceiling, a column. You often need just one element to create a space. But you also need generosity and care and some tactile warmth. A sense of comfort might come through colour or light, or how body stands against them. Like with all architectural representations the instinct it to imagine yourself there.
Spaces beyond Desire
Digital photograph of Spaces of Desire in a mirror box, printed on satin. Series of 30 works. 30x30cm
A form of space is realised by enclosing the original suggestions of space and setting a strict lens position to document the transformation. Mirror as an enclosure introduces symmetry as well as a sense of realness. It is another one of our instincts that only real objects must have a reflection in the mirror. We fear objects that do not have a reflection or reflections that exist with no physical objects. Mirror exposes facets and creates endlessness. Space is a curious word, its meaning spans two ends of our understanding of scale, from domestic and homely to cosmic and unimaginable.
Shadows I
Digital photograph of Spaces of Desire in a mirror box, printed on satin. Series of 30 works. 30x30cm
Light is a parameter that defines the environment and sets the stage for a narrative. The most subtle movements in angle and intensity of light make dramatic changes in perception of space. From domestic and homely to cosmic and otherworldly. Micro and macro are one scale. Reflecting one another with great precision. Universe represents us. Each one of us represents the entire universe. I first came across this idea when I read Otto Rank’s Art and Artist. That micro represents macro and vice versa justifies astrology, for instance. It also justifies artistic interpretation of the world. Artist is an interpreter of micro – macro relationship. Shadows I is a stage in perpetual interpretation. Without scale, architecture lies in the hidden potential to evolve one thing into next.